Guy TONELLA © CBT, France
Published in "Bioenergetic Analysis"*, Vol. 18, 2008, Ed. Psychosozial-Verlag, p. 27-59
*The clinical Journal of the International Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA)
Keynote presented at the XIX° IIBA International Conference, Seville, Spain, May 2007

When he founded bioenergetic analysis half century ago, Alexander Lowen initiated a movement of a great amplitude. His personal charisma was an important factor. He also benefited from a vast sociological movement, in the Western hemisphere, that was seeking body experiences, expression and freedom. Back in those days, the hippie era was in full swing, all kinds of personal growth experiences were being made at "Esalen", the development of humanistic psychology, a "vitalistic" orientation in psychotherapy was picking up speed. Bioenergetic Analysis was moving at the same time towards international expansion. It was seen as a form of psychotherapy, but it was also considered to be a preventive approach and a way to foster healthy life habits, in particular through "bioenergetic exercises".
But what is happening today?