These comments are provided to you with the trainees’ consent. The comments have been taken from student evaluations of the training course which were done six months after they had completed the training. All trainees have been included in this process.
A wealth of information was provided by the trainers in a range of mediums (e.g. hand-outs, reading lists, visual presentations, lecture style lessons, practical demonstrations) in a learning environment which facilitated an in-depth understanding of the relevant material.
I felt very supported, encouraged & stimulated regarding the feedback & marking. Any comments or recommendations were backed up with ideas, suggestions to reach the next level of understanding through working with my body- bodywork and appropriate reading material
Live feedback at all times was supportive and encouraging.
Definitely supported in the learning process. My own therapy was a must as an adjunct to the learning in the workshops.
The course content and processes lined up well with what was stated in the curriculum as learning content.
I have studied a number of other counselling and psychotherapy modalities during my 20 years work in this profession and I discovered Bioenergetic Analysis is unique in that it provides access to the deeper layers of trauma that are stored in the body at an energetic, neural, cellular and visceral level.
Sufficient time was allowed by the trainers to use emotional experiences of group members, in the here and now, as a practical example of bioenergetic work. As well as being extremely beneficial to all group members this work was carried out in a safe and contained manner and enhanced learning opportunity. Boundaries were kept in place which created safety around emotions and the expression of them.
It was lovely to have bush and open space around, and the room was spacious. Beanbags were comfy to sit in for long periods.
It was fantastic to have the opportunity to learn from such a range of different international trainers with such a wealth of experience and knowledge. Pye and Garry held the overall training and the group with skill, heart, humility, warmth and professionalism. The implicit learning from both of them in the way they live Bioenergetics was priceless.
The course exceeded my expectations. Professionally and personally I have no hesitation in recommending it to any counsellor or therapist who wants to deepen and expand their self-knowledge, knowledge of working somatically within a therapy context and their work with clients.
I went from losing my passion for counselling before the course, to great excitement about the work and how bioenergetics could support me and my clients.
During the training I became aware of how restricted and restraining my upbringing had been and the emotional support throughout the 4yrs was a revelation bringing the ability to make significant change to my life.
This course saved my life!!- I wasn’t suicidal, but I was dead inside. I learnt to LIVE with VITALITY (it ebbs and flows still).
When introducing this training to me five years ago, my supervisor said to me it would be the best thing I could do for myself. Both personally and professionally. She was right! It has been a fantastic experience- with amazing trainers, both local and international. My personal life has been enriched, and my practice as a therapist has increased in depth and richness of experience!
This is a superb training. The brilliant curriculum encompassed a vast, fascinating and potentially deeply transformative body of knowledge. This was imparted in varied and stimulating ways by highly experienced and diverse trainers with serious professional cred who all brought their specialities and unique flavour. I especially valued the integrity, and coherence of the trainers (truly people who “walk their talk”) and the way the extraordinarily dedicated local trainers both expertly held and lead the group with such grounded Grace. A climate / kaupapa was co-created which honoured great breadth of individual styles, encouraged deep and safe interaction between participants (sometimes the greatest teachers) and which optimised professional and personal learning. Though I’ve yet to fully ground this rich experience, I’m very aware that I’ve received a profound gift. Thank you to everyone who made this possible.