ANZSBA is a professional society which also provides a training programme for suitably qualified applicants wishing to practice Bioenergetic Analysis as a form of psychotherapy. Its objects are to promote the professional practice and theoretical study of Bioenergetic Analysis in New Zealand and to ensure the establishment and practice of professional standards.
ANZSBA is an incorporated Society (since 1996) and is registered with Charity Services of the NZ Department of Internal Affairs. ANZSBA is an accredited training provider with the Psychotherapy Board of Aotearoa New Zealand (PBANZ).
Members are required to adhere to the Codes of Ethics of ANZSBA and the IIBA and of the other professional organisations they belong to, such as APANZ, NZAC. Members must also follow the requirements of the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumer’s Rights (Health and Disability Commissioner’s Act 1994), and the Health Practitioners Competency Assurance Act 2003.
Society Board
President: Francie Ivamy
Secretary: Bronwyn Miller
Treasurer: Neil Ivamy
Executive: Shar Cullinane, Marilyn Simkin, Kristin Antarra, Penny Currier, Shirley Thorby, Catherine Sloan, Shelley Gabrielle
Training Faculty: Kate Dent Rennie (Director of Training), Shar Cullinane, Bronwyn Miller, Clare Hiroti, Francie Ivamy, Lorraine Fensom, Anne Holleron